Reflections and New Year's Wishes

As I sit in my yoga pants (which stopped being flattering about 40 pounds ago) in my usual spot on the sofa (you'll know it by the large butt imprint permanently worn into the leather), I can't help but ponder the year that will soon draw to a close.

Things have changed. Things have stayed the same. Things that initially seemed different are now comfortable.

We've grown as a family, both physically with the addition of Little One, and emotionally. I've been blessed to watch an indescribable bond between my children from the moment Little One joined us. I've been amazed at how naturally big brotherhood has come to Big One. I've relished more kisses and love than I could possibly imagine and felt butterflies at the sight of my children.

I've concluded that life cannot accurately and completely be captured and interpreted in words, yet I won't stop trying.

In recent weeks, months even, I've felt a bit unsettled. Anxious, worried, caught up in my own thoughts and fears. Today, I feel peace. I've shown more patience than I have in some time. I like this feeling. Harnessing this peace, patience, and optimism is my hope for 2009. I want to spend less time worrying about life and more time living it. I hope to come closer to the elusive balance of home, family, work, and personal interests. I want to love and be loved.

Here's wishing all of you the realization of your goals in 2009!


Esther said...

That was beautiful, Shelley! AND ALL GOD'S PEOPLE SAID, "AMEN!"
Happy New Year, Friend!

Jolene said...

I hear ya! Happy New Year!

Jolene said...

You have an award waiting for you over on my blog!